Spring boot -01 (From the scratch)

Today I am going to learn Spring Boot from scratch...

Going through video tutorials will bore me. So this is the method I'm using ..

First Find a spring boot project from anywhere (Github maybe). Then try to configure it in your environment. You may have to install some dependent applications may be.
 However, you will end u with configuring your developer environment to run a spring boot project...

Now you know what you needed to run a spring boot application. Then Go through the code and (maybe you have to debug also) understand what
have done in the code and feel the result of it...

Identify everything you don't understand and learn, follow the documentation, StackOverflow or any other way to learn what the code does actually.

Then try to write the same application by yourself from scratch, you have a working project. So no need to worry...

Ok, do your thing by yourself. Identify and learn how a spring boot project will look like. I'm going to go build a spring boot project from scratch.

Let's forget about the spring boot project for a bit and create just a maven project first. Then we can try it to convert to a spring boot application. So let's start coding

IDE: IntelliJ IDEA  (Don't worry you can use your favorite...)
Let's Create a MAVEN Project first...

Select Maven from the left menu and do next. I don't choose to create from the archetype, Let's add our archetype later... 

Give your group id, artifact id, and version as your favorite... Here I'm going to build a flight reservation system. Yes, In the end, I'll add it to GitHub and post the reference for your feedback. Till then let's do the coding...


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